Posted on 05.09.2017

Being annoying was never popular. You know those guys who are constantly calling you on the phone in the worst possible time offering you products you don’t want and you probably never will…

Because of this type of selling practice and lead generation, we’ve created Riportus.

Besides reducing costs and increasing business efficiency, identifying companies that are truly interested in your product or service makes you a pleasant business partner. Why?

Because you’re not annoying. You offer exactly the right thing your potential customer is showing interest in.

Well, we can agree that we’ve clearly defined the term “lead” – more precisely, a B2B lead. Let’s just highlight its official definition:

A B2B lead is a company which has shown interest in your products or services in any way, type of form.



Every quality B2B lead generation strategy starts with identifying the exact type of lead you can convert into a customer.

“If you’re adressing to everyone, you are adressing to no one.” – because of that it’s necessery to filter those users and companies that have shown interest for your services. Then you can communicate to those users more efficient.

We all know that 98% of all website visitors doesn’t leave any contact information. How can we then know who has visited our website and for which product or service have they shown most the interest?

Simple. Offer them free resources like an e-book or a trial period in exchange for their contact information.

Or leave a clearly visible contact form with which your website visitors can contact you.

Unfortunatelly, these traditional lead generation techniques are not sufficient anymore. Better put, using only traditional lead generation techniques you’re missing many business opportunities ignoring those companies that have truly shown interest in your products or services.

Use the power of technology with tools like Riportus and identify your website visitors.

Learn which company has visited your web, find its email adress and send them a great offer for a product or service for which they’ve shown the most interest (by spending most time on its site, revisiting the site of a particular product or service…).

With such strategy you’ll definitely take advantage of the business opportunities that you’ve been missing up to now.



If you’re mainly B2B-oriented, then you should know that a B2B business cycle lasts longer then a B2C business cycle.

Simply put, B2B companies need more time to make a final purchase decision because their investments are much bigger then those from individual customers. Also, such decisions are usally made by top management.

And since the B2B market is significantly narrower then the B2C market, it is clear that by not contacting companies that have visited your web, you’re loosing a significant amount of potential revenue.



As mentioned before, only 2% of your website visitors fill out a contact form. Riportus helps you identify the rest of the visitors.

Specifically, Riportus can identify up to 30% of all companies that’ve visited your website. Those companies can be:

  1. your potential customers and business partners,
  2. your competitors,
  3. your present customers and business partners.

Also, consider the opportunity cost that represents the value that a person could have received, but gave up, to take another course of action.

Namely, time and money you spend on traditional B2B lead generation techniques (for example, telephone calls) are a great cost for your business.

Tools for lead generation like Riportus are reducing those costs and are making whole strategy more efficient. So, except the fact that these tools are reducing your business costs, they are also increasing your ROI.

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